Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 4, 2008

Pimsleur Reading lesson 1-21

Lesson 1

1. it

2. kit

3. sit

4. six

5. fix

6. fin

7. I

8. fine (e ở cuối từ thường biến đổi phát âm của nguyên âm trước nó nhưng bản thân con chữ e không được phát âm)

9. fin / fine

10. nine

11. site

12. my ( "y" ở cuối 1 từ thường được phát âm giống như I)

13. by

14. kite

15. miss ( ss đi liền nhau được phát âm như khi chỉ có một chữ s)

16. did

17. bit

18. bite

19. big bite

20. I like Ike.

Lesson 2

1. in

2. win

3. wine

4. sine

5. is (con chữ "s" đứng một mình ở cuối từ thường được phát âm là z)

6. It is his.

7. nine times

8. my wife

9. Try it (chú ý đến âm mà con chữ "r" biểu thị)

10. tin

11. ten

12. set

13. net

14. lift

15. left

16. five miles

17. mister

18. Mr

19. Mrs

20. Mrs Mike is fine.

Lesson 3

1. let

2. lit

3. lite

4. ten men

5. teen (hai con chữ "ee" đi liền nhau thường được phát âm như i:)

6. week

7. See me (trong những từ có hai con chữ kết thúc bằng con chữ e(he,me,we...), một con chữ e được phát âm như có hai con chữ ee đi liền nhau)

8. we need

9. eat (cũng có âm giống như ee nhưng được viết theo cách khác)

10. east

11. sixty (ở cuối một từ dài hơn từ 1 âm tiết như my, y được đọc như ee)

12. fifty

13. he is

14. he's

15. He's fifteen.

16. He'd

17. He'd like wine.

18. please (con chữ s trong từ này cũng có âm z)

19. We'd like tea, please.

20. Hi, miss! (câu này có cả hai âm được biểu thị bằng con chữ i)

Lesson 4

1. We sit.

2. He bet.

3. It's twenty feet.

4. Did he leave? (lưu ý cách lên giọng ngữ điệu ở cuối câu hỏi)

5. Please repeat.

6. fat

7. mat

8. at

9. ate (con chữ e ở cuối biến đổi âm của nguyên âm đứng trước nó từ ngắn sang dài)

10. late

11. lay (tổ hợp hai con chư ay trong một từ ngắn cũng được phát âm là ei)

12. stay

13. We can stay....

14. ten days

15. I hate my hat.

16. We have six cats.(từ have là một trường hợp ngoại lệ, phát âm từ này như không có con chữ e ở cuối)

17. My cat sat in my hat.

18. It made me mad.

19. He's bad.

20. Maybe.

Lesson 5

1. say

2. If I may say...

3. my family (hai âm khác nhau được biểu thị bằng con chữ y)

4. Kate's cat (hai con chữ k và c được phát âm như nhau)

5. Kate's cat is fast.

6. cash (lưu ý âm được biểu thị bằng tổ hợp sh)

7. she

8. She likes fish.

9. Is it fresh?

10. we wish

11. action (âm sh thường được biểu thị bằng tổ hợp tion hay tổ hợp sion)

12. section

13. tension

14. diction

15. she's my wife.

16. She's shy.

17. Why? (tổ hợp wh thường được phát âm như w)

18. Why mention it?

Lesson 6

1. It's my dish.

2. We have six fish.

3. We read fiction...

4. in his mansion

5. mop

6. hop

7. stop and shop

8. tot

9. tote (con chữ e thêm vào cuối từ làm biến đổi nguyên âm)

10. mope

11. No.

12. road (tổ hợp oa thường được phát âm như ou)

13. coat

14. goat

15. blow

16. mow

17. Hello!

18. don't

19. Please don't go.

20. I hope not.

Lesson 7

1. boat

2. note

3. not

4. It's not on East Street.

5. No, we won't go.

6. I dot on him.

7. White oaks don't grow fast.

8. but

9. cup

10. Fill it up!

11. six hundred

12. We must eat.

13. a lot

14. some tea

15. Come in!

16. He needs money.

17. Does she see him?

18. We like the wine.

19. Is he your husband?

20. He's American.

Lesson 8

1. us

2. He understands us.

3. Meet me at the hotel.

4. Welcome!

5. yes

6. yesterday

7. yellow

8. The sun is yellow.

9. use

10. us/use

11. muse

12. fuse

13. you

14. Excuse me, miss.

15. Pay attention!

16. Don't confuse me!

17. We have a used car.

18. It's cute.

Lesson 9

1. yak

2. yam

3. Do you understand?

4. Not yet.

5. Is she American?

6. She's Chinese.

7. She likes children.

8. chin

9. shin

10. such

11. Cheer up!

12. book

13. shook

14. nook

15. Look at him!

16. Can we eat lunch?

17. She can cook fish and chips

18. It's not much.

19. But it's cheap.

20. Good-bye!

Lesson 10

1. sheep

2. cheap

3. Don't cheat!

4. It's Miss Brooks!

5. By hook or by crook.

6. In cash, please.

7. cop

8. cope

9. can't

10. cent

11. lace

12. a nice face

13. I need some peace.

14. Try the wine.

15. It's good.

16. Did you like civics?

17. She took a trip.

18. She's in France ______

19. in a big city.

20. He's at the Cape

Lesson 11

1. cook

2. look

3. "I am not a crook."

4. case

5. cease

6. Shall we dance?

7. It's a cinch.

8. No, I have a cramp.

9. the

10. then

11. this

12. That's my hotel.

13. It's over there.

14. Thanks.

15. I think so.

16. He's with me.

17. We have three children.

18. That's a lot!

Lesson 12

1. Is this the road?

2. Where are the children?

3. They're over there.

4. It's a dollar thirty per gallon.

5. That's thirteen dollars.

6. What does that mean?

7. I don't think so.

8. do

9. to

10. I'd like to go home.

11. soon

12. zoo

13. Me, too.

14. Where's a bathroom?

15. Who's that?

16. Well then, let's eat.

17. With whom?

18. We can go together.

Lesson 13

1. do

2. Do you know ____

3. Who took my book?

4. No, I don't.

5. go

6. Go to the left.

7. You, too.

8. Today it's May.

9. pat

10. Pat has a pet.

11. bet

12. pet/bet

13. tab/tap

14. What a big pig!

15. He rode his bike on the pike.

16. cloak

17. croak

18. It's my clock.

19. Close the book.

20. He's cross.

Lesson 14

1. Pam's boat

2. Bob's map

3. I know best.

4. Don't be a pest!

5. We ate clams___

6. and crabs

7. It's not clear.

8. want

9. water

10. She wants some water.

11. He does, too.

12. wander

13. We wander and wonder.

14. Wash your face!

15. hall

16. tall

17. That man is tall!

18. His wife is small.

19. Do you like walnuts?

20. Did you see the waterfall in Dalat?

Lesson 15

1. Did you call?

2. He wants a beer.

3. Sixty watts ___

4. Is that all?

5. Let's play ball.

6. Where's Walden Pond?

7. It's a walrus!

8. We know.

9. now

10. We know now.

11. Wow!

12. a brown cow

13. How are you?

14. pout

15. gout

16. out and about

17. Don't shout.

18. Our children went to town.

19. She can count to ten.

20. What's that sound?

Lesson 16

1. how

2. How much is it?

3. Our Town

4. cap and gown

5. Let's look around.

6. The clown fell down.

7. We want to leave now.

8. We want to go East Street.

9. strap

10. traps

11. stop

12. He can stop at this spot.

13. Stand still!

14. Do you speak Spanish?

15. He's spry.

16. Are the stores open?

17. Three strikes ---- you're out!

18. The stray cat can stay with us.

19. Trust me.

20. Trick or treat!

Lesson 17

1. You speak too fast.

2. Please stop it!

3. We struck it rich.

4. We spent a lot of money.

5. faster

6. later

7. I want to eat later.

8. over there

9. Is that her sister?

10. How much per gallon?

11. It's ten dollars.

12. pastor

13. This is major----

14. not minor.

15. Walter is a coal miner

16. minor/miner

17. First Street

18. dirt

19. burn

20. Turn left.

21. Our girl is thirsty.

22. She'd like some water.

Lesson 18

1. Mr. Miller

2. Our girl is bigger.

3. I'd like to have dinner with you.

4. I need sixty dollars.

5. Have you seen Wall Street?

6. bitter/biter

7. Hello, nurse.

8. Don't litter.

9. I'm sorry.

10. Please pass the butter.

11. This tea is finer.

12. She filled my glass.

13. The man opened the door.

14. The lady closed it.

15. She welcomed him.

16. We owed him money.

17. I'm pleased to meet you.

18. We missed the bus.

19. He stopped to eat.

20. We kissed.

21. She stayed too late.

22. You're excused.

Lesson 19

1. a diller, a dollar

2. His feet went pitter-patter

3. My dentist has good manners.

4. He had dinner in a diner.

5. Don't be silly.

6. The men liked this dish.

7. We wined and dined.

8. Her husband worked at home.

9. He moaned and groaned.

10. She asked, "To the left?"

11. He needed money.

12. He wanted it.

13. The ice melted.

14. I counted sheep----

15. to get to sleep.

16. His wife waited for us.

17. The teacher repeated the word.

18. I voted yesterday.

Lesson 20

1. She wanted some French wine.

2. We clapped our hands.

3. The children visited me.

4. E.T. phoned home.

5. Does it snow in Vietnam?

6. It snowd a lot last week.

7. Is it snowing now?

8. ring

9. rang

10. rung

11. She's strong!

12. "Sing a song of sixpence---"

13. Is the man speaking to me?

14. I'd like something to drink.

15. Today I'm going to Washington.

16. But she's going to Long Beach.

17. For how long?

18. Think Spring!

Lesson 21

1. This is Tom Small.

2. But he's not small --- he's big!

3. His wife is Pam Small.

4. And this is the Small family.

5. The Small family is a big family.

6. The Smalls have five children.

7. The Small children are little, ---

8. but Mr. Small is big.

9. The Small family has big Smalls---

10. and little Smalls

11. The Small family needs a big car.

12. Pleased to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Small!

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